How to Join

LunarDAO architecture is based on Moloch V3 design, deployed by DAOhaus and customized to fit LunarDAO governance.


Governance TL;DR

Read LunarDAO Manifesto and the whitepaper to know more about LunarDAO: Mission, Governance, DAO architecture and the smart contracts overview. To learn about the plans, check out the Roadmap.

This is the initial governance setup for LunarDAO (changes can be proposed any time):

Veto Agent

LunarDAO deployed a Sentinel committe (a multi-sig safe) as a veto agent. At the same time the DAO architecture itself is based on Moloch V3 primitive with a full on-chain execution. This contradiction is solved by a design where the main LunarDAO treasury is a Gnosis Safe with two signers of which only one is needed for an execution (1/2). The two signers are:

  1. 1. LunarDAO Squad: a Moloch V3 DAO, Contract
  2. 2. LunarDAO Sentinels: Gnosis safe (5/8) multi-sig

In this setup all the proposals are submitted, voted upon and (after grace period) executed on-chain without any Sentinel interaction. Only in the case of a malicious proposal, the Sentinels can step in and reject the proposal. Five Sentinel members must sign in their safe in order to make a veto execution in the LunarDAO treasury.